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Father Peter Lackmanec, born in Sudbury Ontario. I became a priest for the Archdiocese of Toronto in 1995. I was assigned as pastor to Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish in July 2014.

Over the years we, and thanks to the good works of our previous pastors and parishioners, have become a thriving community of over 15,000 people.

Today we have many active ministries to offer our community: The Knight’s of Columbus, Catholic Women's League (C.W.L.), St. Vincent de Paul, Charismatic Prayer Group, Bible Study, Visitation and Communion for the Sick and Shut-Ins, three choirs, two Deacons, Religion Classes for our Sacramental Preparation, R.C.I.A., Rosary Apostolate, four elementary schools, Serra Club. 

This is just the beginning and we look forward to expanding and doing even more works as we continue 

to grow.

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  • In 1954, Fr. McGinn for St. Mary Immaculate Church in Richmond Hill requested a survey to determine the number of Catholic families in Oak Ridges. As a result, a three room school named Our Lady of the Annunciation opened in September 1954.

  • When the school was build, a chapel (to seat about 50 people) was added on and for years, mass on a Sunday was celebrated there. When the parish grew, about 1974, mass was said in the gym of the school. 

  • A Finance Council was formed in 1983 and it played a very important role in the establishment of the parish, the acquisition of the property and the building of the church.

  • Special fundraising events were held such as bingos for three years and a campaign for pledges.

  • Stained glass windows were sought and purchased. A beautiful organ was donated, as well as the pews, lectern, the Tabernacle, the Baptismal Font, the Altar, the Statue of the Blessed Mother and many other necessities.

  • Ground breaking of the church took place in spring of 1987. Our first Christmas Mass in 1987 was beautiful. The church was not quite finished, even the rafters were showing! Temporary lighting was set up and chairs were brought over from the school on Bond Crescent. Everyone participated to make it the holiest of Midnight Masses.

  • Bishop Robert Clune, officiated with Fr. Bill Pettipas, our first parish priest, at the dedication of the new church on September 11, 1988.

  • For years the Lady’s Guild raised funds by hosting Bazaars and Social events in the parish.

  • The Knights of Columbus were established in 2002 and over the years raised money for the Prayer Garden, the monument of the Ten Commandments and many other necessities for the parish.

  • Since 2016 we have a C.W.L., who are very active in the parish, holdings Bazaars etc.

  • We have a very active group in the St. Vincent de Paul and they take care of needy families in our community.

  • Fr. Neil McMillan was with us from 1990-2002, Fr. John Nosan from 2002-2014 and since 2014 Fr. Peter Lackmanec is our present Pastor. 

  • For the last two years we are working with an Architect, the Chancery and the Town of Richmond Hill on an extension of our church, who even at regular mass times, is overflowing.



2024 Created by Russ Wicks for the Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish. 

All rights reserved.

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